
My How Things Have Changed

Clothing, Decor, Entertaining, Farm Life


We’re not in California any more.

In the past eighteen months a lot has changed in my life. I have gone from a fast paced life where I found myself trying to keep my head above water every day, to a life where each day I feel like I have the chance to stop and truly appreciate the moments in my life. In California, I felt as though my life was speeding by so fast that I didn’t have a minute to appreciate what was happening. I was always running to the office, to school, to the grocery store in order to get to the next pick up, event, or practice. Although it took me some time to adjust, moving to North Carolina, to the farm, gave me the opportunity to slow down. Now that I am settled, I am loving every moment of this new chapter.

In California, we lived in a two story house with a postage stamp sized backyard. I woke up every morning and put on slacks, a blouse, and a pair of heels. I drove our kids to school and headed to the office where I sat behind a desk and went to meetings for about 4-5 hours a day before I’d head back to the kid’s school to pick them up, help them get their homework started, and then get them off to practices before I started dinner. By the time I sat down with Mr. A to watch a tv show or have a discussion, I could hardly keep my eyes open. I was on the go every minute, or so it felt. My how things have changed!

Since moving to the farm in North Carolina, my days are much different. I’ve traded in the slacks, blouse, and heels for jeans, a tee shirt, and rubber work boots. The kids now walk to school everyday after they feed their animals breakfast and give them water. They also walk home! I now spend my days meeting with farm animals. I muck stalls, collect eggs, clean out the chicken coop, water and weed the garden, and Swiffer the floors several times a day because they have a constant coating of dirt and hay on them. If I’m lucky, and I finish all those chores early, then sometimes I have the pleasure to bake something for the kids before they get home. Y’all, I bake from scratch now! (Oh yeah, I say y’all now too! It’s so much easier to combine you and all. It’s fun too! Honestly, I think the whole country should adopt it!) Ok, back to baking… I still love me a boxed mix when I’m in a pinch, but there is something about baking from scratch that gives me a great sense of pride now. In the past I rarely had time to bake from scratch, but now I not only have the time, I prefer it. It’s nice to know my family is eating healthy ingredients.


Living in California, I used to shop at Nordstrom and I loved being on top of the latest fashion trends. Now, the nearest Nordstrom is over two hours away. In between that distance however, there are about six Tractor Supply Stores. For those of you not familiar with a Tractor Supply Store, it is Nordstrom for farmers. You can find egg incubators, electric fencing, chainsaws, every kind of feed for any kind of animal, guns, overalls, and just about anything you could possibly need for a farm. I go there about every other week now. For those of you wondering, no, I haven’t picked me up some of them overalls yet. That is one thing, even with the adoption of farm life, I never see myself embracing. Mr. A however, keeps teasing that he’s going to get himself a pair. If you knew him well, you would know that any day now he could walk out in a pair of overalls and a completely straight face. If and when that ever happens, I will be sure to document it for you all with a photo so you can share in the moment.

In California, I had a standing nail appointment every two weeks with my closest friend. We’d get manicures and pedicures. My nails and toes were gorgeous! Since moving to North Carolina, I haven’t had my nails done, not even once. Not only does it seem strange to go with out my girlfriend, but soon after moving to the farm, it became very clear that having painted nails and toes was futile, their beauty would never last! The amount of dirt, manure, and hand washing I do on a daily basis would never allow for a manicure and to last. And with my feet shoved in boots all day, I just can’t see the point in painting my toes. My how things have changed!

These are just a few of the lifestyle changes I’ve experienced since moving from our house in California to the farm in North Carolina. It’s certainly been an adventure and I am enjoying sharing it with you. There is certainly more sharing to come! Until then, I hop you enjoy your day. I’m so happy y’all have joined me here!


  1. melanie says:

    love this! being from California myself, i understand the hustle and bustle. although we didnt move to a farm (dang it, maybe in our future though if we can find something) when moving to the pacific northwest my life has completely changed. im now a SAHM to a sassy and fun toddler. days are spent reading, doing crafts and making yummy food. i wouldnt change it for the world! i do miss all my work friends and sometimes i miss the shuffling of paperwork but not enough to go out and find an accounting job again. play-doh all day everyday is fine by me! lol.

    sorry for such a long post. im a talker lol.

    • Meeghan says:

      Melanie, you certainly do not need to apologize to me for the length of your post. I am the queen of being long winded, I appreciate it. Short and sweet is not my thang! 🙂 Thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement regarding my blog and my story! It sounds like you are loving your new lifestyle change too. I am so happy for you that your move allowed you a life that fulfills you so much now. That is wonderful! Thank you for visiting me here. I hope you continue to follow me on this journey. I look forward to sharing lots more with you! Welcome and nice to “meet” you!

  2. Dara says:

    Sounds like you have chosen a great life!

    • Meeghan says:

      Thank you Dara! We definitely feel like we have chosen a great life. I appreciate you visiting my blog and saying, “Hello!” I look forward to sharing more about our journey with you.

  3. Stephanie (olivewoodlane says:

    Love this Meeghan! Im so jealous, ive always wanted to visit NC, it looks so beautiful! Looking forward to more posts, in the meantime, loving all your ig pictures. You have such a beautiful home. ❤

    • Meeghan says:

      Welcome to my blog and thank you for your kind words Stephanie! North Carolina is beautiful! I hope you have the chance to visit some day. Thank you so much for your interest in my new adventure. I look forward to sharing more of it with you! I appreciate your support and encouragement on IG. Thank you for the wonderful compliment on our home and for taking the time to say “Hello!”

  4. I love it! Im so happy for you! This is the life we all are dreaming of. It goes to show you can create a life of your dreams!

    • Meeghan says:

      Thank you so much Abbi! I am so glad you visited my blog. We have enjoyed our lifestyle change and this adventure very much. We feel very blessed to have had the opportunity to make this change. I appreciate your kind words and encouragement. I hope you continue to follow me along this journey, I love sharing it with you!

  5. Bonnie hunt says:

    You have abeautiful blog &Loved reading your bio! We have a tractor supply that we visit & I say ya’ll too! Where in NC do you live? Sounds like you are living the sweet life now!! Best wishes??

    • Meeghan says:

      Thank you so much Bonnie! Tractor Supply is the best, isn’t it?! I believe y’all should be adopted nationwide.:) We are on the eastern coast in North Carolina. We are enjoying our new life here very much. Thank you so much for your kind words, your interest and your encouragement. I hope you will continue to follow me on this adventure. I look forward to sharing more with you!

  6. Yvette Johnson says:

    I love that you are enjoying your new adventure and im so glad i get to follow along!!!

    • Meeghan says:

      Welcome and thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement Yvette! I look forward to you following along with me on this incredible journey. I love sharing it with you!

  7. Leigh says:

    Meeghan! Somehow I missed that you have a blog! Love it though! We are 18 months into our moving adventure too! No animals yet but I have plans! So glad I found you on IG! ?

    • Meeghan says:

      Welcome and thank you so much Leigh! Moving is quite the adventure, you’re so right! Add in some animals and the adventure really gets interesting! 🙂 I am excited to follow you along your journey. Thank you for following me along mine. I appreciate your interest and encouragement. I’m so glad we’ve connected through IG too!

  8. Shana says:

    Welcome to the south my sweet friends! We love y’all!

    • Meeghan says:

      Bless your heart, Shana! 😉 We love it here and I appreciate all your love, support and encouragement throughout our new adventure! Thank you for joining me here! We love y’all too!

  9. Sarah says:

    Girl, you already know I love your style – and I have loved reading about your life transformation! What a complete 180° you have made!! Hearing you talk about your animals and the farm almost makes me miss my little farm. But I shall be happy to live vicariously through your stories, your IG account, and your posts – cheering you on in Minnesota! (Hugs)

    • Meeghan says:

      Thank you so much Sarah! You are so sweet to me. I love sharing this adventure with you. Thank you for all your support and encouragement. You inspire me too with your stlye, your beautiful home, your gorgeous photographs and your creativity. Thank you for your kind words.

  10. Monica says:

    Hey You! Love your story… I’ve been reading your blog for sometime now actually. I too, know the hustle and bustle of living in California. Since I’ve moved, a lot has changed for the better. I’m no longer over committed and running to the next volunteer slot or board meeting. It was so bad, that I became anemic for the lack not eating properly daily. I also was very tired and always stressed. I’ve never shopped at Nordstrom’s before, but I do love Sur La Table and I find myself always picking something up that I really don’t need though, lol!

    Hugs my sweet friend!!!

    • Meeghan says:

      Hi Monica! Thank you so much for leaving me your comment. I am touched by your story! I know exactly how you feel. I am so happy you have been able to find a better path for your life that has given you better health and happiness. I LOVE Sur La Table too!! I shopped there a lot back in California and I always left with things I loved, but didn’t necessarily need…Sound familiar?! 😉 I don’t have a store near me now, so my husband is very thankful! I appreciate you sharing your thoughts with me and visiting regularly. I look forward to sharing more with you. Nice to meet you!

  11. Beth says:

    Welcome to north Carolina! Aint it grand!! I too live in eastern nc on a farm and loving life here. Enjoyed your blog, you have a real flair for writing. Looking forward to More of your adventures!

    • Meeghan says:

      Thank you for the warm welcome, Beth! NC is wonderful! I’m so excited to hear you live in eastern NC on a farm too and that you are also loving life here. I appreciate you visiting me on the blog and I also appreciate the compliment on my writing. It’s always been one of my passions. I am excited to share more about my adventures with you. Thank you for joining me!

  12. Becky says:

    Welcome to NC! We moved here from WA State.
    Love your blog. Would love to collaborate- I’m Cottage Revivals “Where French Country meets Farmhouse Fresh”
    We are near Raleigh.

    • Meeghan says:

      Hi Becky! Thank you for your warm welcome. We have the west coast-east coast move in common. I appreciate your kind words about my blog. I look forward to checking out your blog. I am always open to collaboration opportunities. Thank you for stopping by to say, “hello.”

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